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Author Dow Chemical - Between $300 and $500 per victim : Dow accidentally killed 20,000 in the 80's and feels really bad about it, according to this internal memo. Note: this memo may be fake, I dunno. Note 2: Fine, it's fucking fake. And not even a fake memo at that -- rather, a fake press release. blah, eat me
Bachelor of Farts
Registered Sinner
This is shareholder greed at its worst Dec 03 2002 12:04PM EST

This is truly sick. 20,000 people can die but they can't admit responsibility because it would set precedent for the future. oh, and it would make their stock price "not meet its full potential." Sick.

From the Dow website:

"Did you know...

Dow is responsible for the birth of the modern environmental movement. In 1969, Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring about the side-effects of a Dow product, DDT, on North American bird populations. Her work created a groundswell of concern, sparking the birth of many of today's environmental action groups. Another example of Dow's commitment to Living. Improved daily."

Its amazing... Dow is actually taking credit for starting the environmental movement. But all they did was CAUSE THE POLLUTION THAT PEOPLE WERE SCREAMING ABOUT. Is that twisted? What marketing bimbo came up with that one?
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Horatio Fartblower
umm, yeah, that's a real memo, allright Dec 03 2002 12:05PM EST

I admire the author's spirit but cmon, Pud, you can screen em out better than that. Right?

Just look at the bottom...

"Dow Chemical is a chemical products and services company devoted to

bringing its customers a wide range of chemicals. It furnishes

solutions for the agriculture, electronics, manufacturing, and oil and

gas industries, including well-known products like Styrofoam, DDT, and

Agent Orange, ..."

Refreshingly honest PR dept? Or fake memo?

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Sickening! Dec 03 2002 12:07PM EST

Dow is one of the worst examples of corporate greed and callousness. What kind of response is that! Basically, they said they want to shove the 15,000 people they killed under the rug in order to raise their share price. Criminal. This coming from the same people that invented and marketed Napalm. Every executive at Dow should do the world's collective genepool a favor by comitting suicide.
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curried DDT
re: This is shareholder greed at its worst Dec 03 2002 12:07PM EST

Totally insane! They are trying to get good PR out of admitting that they are responsible but that they cannot admit that they are responsible?

Talk about the taint of evil . . .
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Could be anybody
Subject Dec 03 2002 12:07PM EST

While the memo may very well express Dow's internal thinking, it is an obvious fabrication. Nice try.
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re: umm, yeah, that's a real memo, allright Dec 03 2002 12:13PM EST

Ummm... could Pud have been duped?

Say it ain't so.

Originally posted by Horatio Fartblower:

I admire the author's spirit but cmon, Pud, you can screen em out better than that. Right?

Just look at the bottom...

"Dow Chemical is a chemical products and services company devoted to

bringing its customers a wide range of chemicals. It furnishes

solutions for the agriculture, electronics, manufacturing, and oil and

gas industries, including well-known products like Styrofoam, DDT, and

Agent Orange, ..."

Refreshingly honest PR dept? Or fake memo?

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Bachelor of Farts
Registered Sinner
re: Subject Dec 03 2002 12:19PM EST

Originally posted by Could be anybody:

While the memo may very well express Dow's internal thinking, it is an obvious fabrication. Nice try.

Yeah maybe its fake. But Dow is still fucked up. Look at their CEO's last speech- he views talks about commitment to limiting environmental regulation rather than committing to environmental responsibility.
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Millions die of malaria yearly
Fuck Rachel Cuntwad Carson with a broomhandle Dec 03 2002 12:20PM EST

The banning of DDT was a hysterical junkscience reaction that has resulted in TENS OF MILLIONS of deaths from malaria

Thanks, you enviroweenie douchebags.

A couple more fucking little birdies are around, but millions of people die.

:tool: :flip:
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Breaking the Waves
Hmmmmmmm, curioser and curioser... Dec 03 2002 12:22PM EST

pud is obviouly going to be royally bitchslapped over posting this fake memo (I'm rushing to type this before the memo and the attendant entry on FC's main page is removed). It's obviously too much "work" for pud to check these memo's for even rudimentary mistakes in accuracy and reliability. But what can one expect from a guy whose whole "job" is basically done for him by yahoo, Cnet, and trolling assholes who send in obviously fake memos such as this one?

Good job, puddy! Now role over like a little bitch dog for Dow like you did for Ford.
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Could be anybody
re: Fuck Rachel Cuntwad Carson with a broomhandle Dec 03 2002 12:24PM EST

Yeah, but the affected are just a bunch subhumans in Africa and the Philippines.

Originally posted by Millions die of malaria yearly:

The banning of DDT was a hysterical junkscience reaction that has resulted in TENS OF MILLIONS of deaths from malaria

Thanks, you enviroweenie douchebags.

A couple more fucking little birdies are around, but millions of people die.

:tool: :flip:

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rtmark Dec 03 2002 12:24PM EST

dow-chemical.com is registered by rtmark, so this memo is a fake. rtmark is pretty great though ...
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Bachelor of Farts
Registered Sinner
re: rtmark Dec 03 2002 12:36PM EST

Originally posted by drew2020:

dow-chemical.com is registered by rtmark, so this memo is a fake. rtmark is pretty great though ...

Ok I got fooled. I didn't think anyone company could be so brazen on their site.
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Lost Cauze
re: umm, yeah, that's a real memo, allright Dec 03 2002 12:36PM EST

Originally posted by Horatio Fartblower:

Just look at the bottom...

"Dow Chemical is a chemical products and services company devoted to

bringing its customers a wide range of chemicals. It furnishes

solutions for the agriculture, electronics, manufacturing, and oil and

gas industries, including well-known products like Styrofoam, DDT, and

Agent Orange, ..."

I didn't see this sentence in the memo...did Pud delete it or something?
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Hey I'll Subscribe to Internal Memos! Dec 03 2002 12:39PM EST

as long as Pud doen't pull them out of the internal regions of his ass like this one.
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San Fran Fuck Nut
Release Chemicals into Gaza & West Bank Dec 03 2002 12:51PM EST

The Israeli government should pull a Bhopal on the Palestinian raghead fundamentalists -- that should keep em in line.

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Registered Sinner
fake memo? Dec 03 2002 01:40PM EST

Clearly the URLs for e-mail and the web site are wrong. Also the Dow - Union Carbide merger is at most 2 years old -so what had Bhopal to do with Dow?

Please try harder next time Pud.

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ejaculating monkey
wow! Dec 03 2002 02:02PM EST

This is big news. Nice job Pud.

By the way, did you know that Thomas Register fucks thier "employees"? It's true!

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Registered Sinner
A shitheap of India's own design... Dec 03 2002 02:16PM EST

Let's keep in mind that this is *India's* fault, not Union Carbide's and NOT Dow's. India convinced UC to put the plant there. And UC operated it within India's standards for safety. The Indian government *always* gave the plant top ratings when inspecting it. Even tho the plant would NEVER have been able to operate in the US.

You see, the standards for industrial and environmental safety in India were *much lower* than the USA's standards. That's why UC built the plant there - they could afford to.

If the Indian government wants their mess cleaned up they can hire Dow to do it - but if they're looking for fault - they can look in a mirror.

They did it to themselves.

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Need another leak Dec 03 2002 02:17PM EST

To take care of all these fucking Indian programmers that came into the US.
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Mahandas Jones
This is a fake. Dec 03 2002 03:08PM EST

This press release is a fake. How do I know? Dow Chemical was not responsible for Bhopal. It was Union Carbide!
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